Celebrate International Jazz Day With High-Energy Jazz Music | Razzmajazz Dixieland Band
The great Nina Simone said, “Jazz is not just music. It’s a way of life; it’s a way of being, a way of thinking.” The legendary jazz musician, songwriter, and arranger wasn’t wrong—the genre has transcended over the past century to become a worldwide phenomenon. No...
Here’s How Music Is The Perfect Escape In Trying Times | Razzmajazz Dixieland Band
No matter where you live, you won’t be a stranger to the global pandemic that’s engulfed all our lives since the start of 2020. As we continue to try to grapple with these circumstances, the incredible fighting spirit of people everywhere has been inspiring, to say...
Things To Look For When Booking A Jazz Ensemble
Here are some things to look for when booking a jazz ensemble for your grand...