A feature article published by The Guardian online elaborates on how jazz music might be entering a new golden age. Musicians and music enthusiasts of all ages and origins have been taking in interest in jazz, in some form or another of late.
As members of the RazzMaJazz Dixieland Band, we can testify to this increase in popularity and interest in the genre we specialize in. At the same time there are many who wonder what makes jazz music so appealing to listeners from every generation and that is what we’re going to address!
Music For the Ages
There are a number of things that make jazz appealing to musicians and enthusiasts regardless of the generation they belong to or how old they are. Here are some of the things we feel make this so.
Jazz Music is Timeless
The first thing that makes jazz music so broadly appealing is that it is timeless. There is a degree of heart and soul that goes into making such music. Furthermore, apart from maybe the twenties and thirties, jazz music was not about a fad or trend. It was about soul and musical skill.
Unlike 90s boy and girl pop groups or even auto-tuned factory produced music that seems to be popular today, jazz music is timeless and will appeal to anyone with taste!
Jazz is Quality Music
As musicians we have respect for pretty much ever genre out there (besides maybe EDM but don’t quote us)! That being said, jazz music – especially traditional jazz styles possess a finesse and quality that puts it in a class of its own.
Regardless of age, if you’re into the finer things in life, you’ll probably enjoy jazz too!
Jazz Music Expresses Creativity and Skill
Many musicians are respected for the creativity and skill they express when they play. When it comes to both, anyone who has played or even heard jazz knows that both are required in substantial amounts. Furthermore, this comes through in the harmony and composition when played.
Anyone with an appreciation for such musical technicalities is bound to appreciate jazz music.
Jazz Music is Stimulating
Finally, like any good music, jazz music is stimulating. You can sway to it, you can jive to it or you can simply bask in the beauty of jazz harmonies and vocals. Part of the widespread appeal enjoyed by jazz is because of how diverse and stimulating it is!
Winding Down
There you have it folks, some of the reasons that make jazz appealing to people of all ages and generations. Now that we’re clear on that, maybe you can hire our jazz band for your next event or function and get a sense of what ragtime, Dixieland, swing and other traditional jazz styles are really about!
If that’s what you have in mind, connect with us now and let’s start putting together that performance!